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clio parts

hi ppl wonderng if anybody here has got a 1.4 1993 clio or similar and gone to renault and purchased the front wings and bonnet of a 16v, will they fit?? anybody know how much they charge for these parts???? anybody got any pics of the 16v wings on a standard clio??

reno will charge through the roof for these parts - its £125 for a wing mirror for a new chape clio, so prices for wings and bonnets will be outrageous

ive heard rumors that a bonnet would be £100 and wings are £35 each????? anybody want my old bonnet and wings of me aswell, anybody know if these really are the right prices????

i can assure you that they will NOT be the correct prices, best bet is to phone your local dealer and they can price it up for you
  Was a Clio 1.8 16v

Renault charge MEGA bucks 4 stuff like that! U will get absoulutely shafted by them! Scrapers or some 1 breaking their 16v will save u at least 400% of the cost Reno will charge, believe me.

Got some prices yesterday for a new outside temp display - £130! :eek: If i didnt laugh i would have cried.

New 16v alloy (just 1) - £160! Without centre cap! Amazing!

anybody breaking a clio 16v if anybody is i would buy the whole car of them!

Anybody know of any scrappies that have 16v in in quite a rush now as i want to get my car looking sexy quickly now taking to long!
