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Clio Satnav Signal boost?

  Clio 1.4 16v Billabong
Hi, i'm not too sure where to post this so I thought here would be a good start. I've also had a search but couldn't find anything.

I'm looking to get satnav for my 03 clio but i've tried a friends navman & it doesn't pick up any gps signal. I remember reading somewhere that renaults need a signal booster, is this true? & if so what exactly would I be looking for?
I'm planning a trip from london to Doncaster & I know without the satnav i'd end up in devon.

Thanks for any replies :)
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Don't know about yours, but my Clio sport has a heat-reflecting metallic coating on the windscreen. That's the problem with GPS units inside the car. The metallic coating blocks the radio signal from the GPS satellites. There's a "window" at the bottom centre of the windscreen that's not coated with the metallic film that GPS receivers and toll transponders have to located up against or they get no signal. You can see it if you look at the winscreen in the right light. That little area isn't blue. For my PDA-based satnav unit I got an external antenna that goes there and connects to the GPS unit with a cable. There are two different "standard" antenna socket. You have to ensure your satnav has a socket for an external antenna, then buy one that's cable has the right connector for yours.
  Clio 182
I've got the TT 510 and it works if I put it in the centre of the windscreen on the 182 but looks likely I should get an external antennae too as it's not great.
  Focus ST
Karen said:
I've got the TT 510 and it works if I put it in the centre of the windscreen on the 182 but looks likely I should get an external antennae too as it's not great.

I'm in the same boat as you. Works fine in the middle, but I could get better signal if I use the ext ant.

If you get one let me know how it works out. Don't want to buy one if its no better.


you have whats known as a comfort windscreen (impregnated with iron oxided to keep the interior cool) this hinders gps reception so you need an external antenna which varying from unit to unit are around 25quid and will sort the problem;)
