I've had this second start issue for over 2 years, tried Tescos 95 and although it chugged a bit, it's started first time every day! Normally use Momentum. Will see if it stops spluttering after a week.
This.Try turning the ign on for 5 sec, then off, the. Try and start. Let me know the result.
Mine has a "lazy" fuel pump.
Prime the ignition on and off for 5 seconds, then away you go.
So you've gone from 99 octane to 95 and it's starting first time now?
On my next fill up I may fill up with shell 95octane.
Seems like we all have a faulty fuel pressure regulator.
Spoke to Renault today, they have not sold a fuel pump for the 182 in the last year
Yep, Tescos Momentum to Tescos 95, fixed the problem since filling up last week, granted I've only driven it on two days since (cold morning stand, 12+ hours left standing).
Isn't that probably because they cost a few hundred or something ridiculous?
Run V power only in mine. My car starts first time everytime and I only move it once a week.
Mine has a "lazy" fuel pump.
Prime the ignition on and off for 5 seconds, then away you go.
My 182 does this also from time to time, is there any problem with just leaving it like this? Eventually it will need a new pump?
f##kin car its started doin it again. can i get a patern part or is this dealer only and can ne1 give us a rough price plz