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  • When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Read more here. Project Cars Time Trial Challenge - November

  mk1 Octavia VRS
Following on from the main thread there was some interest in this so I thought I'd start this thread and see what happens!

A few simple rules:
1. At the start of each month a track and car are chosen by the driver with there fastest time from the previous month. The track and car need to be chosen ASAP after the start of the month.
2. I suggest we keep it to short tracks, so that it doesn't take too long to try and set a good time. I'll suggest a maximum of 3 miles and we can see how it goes.
3. I suggest keeping the cars restricted to ones without aero, but again we can see how it goes.
4. Times must be set in time trial mode, not free practice or any other mode.
5. Entries should include what platform, controller (wheel or pad) and options were used - i.e. ABS, traction control and stability control.
6. Entries to be backed up by leaderboard link, screenshot or video.

As it's the first month I'll start of with the following:
Car: Renault Clio Cup
Track: Brands Hatch Indy

Hopefully there will be enough entries by the end of the month but if not we can extend it to December.

Hopefully that's enough to get things going - get lapping and good luck!


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Well... I set a 51.550, which was reasonably tidy...

But I didn't see the bit about it being in Time Trial mode. For the interest of fairness I went back and had another go in time trial mode...

Meh, 51.821. Bit messy, but the PC bluescreened a lap after and I can't be arsed to set any more laps today. Beat me.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well... I set a 51.550, which was reasonably tidy...

But I didn't see the bit about it being in Time Trial mode. For the interest of fairness I went back and had another go in time trial mode...

Meh, 51.821. Bit messy, but the PC bluescreened a lap after and I can't be arsed to set any more laps today. Beat me.

Good effort - much smoother than I could manage!
  Listerine & Poledo
Will spend a chunk of Friday trying to cajole that front-dragging crate around the bowl.
No assists, assists bad :tongueout:

I use a wheel and PC, btw.
For those with wheels and pedals, absolutely (unless the car does actually have driver AIDS, like the Megane, Road Clio etc.)
For us controller-paupers, whose throttle pedal has the positions of off->a little bit-> FOOT THROUGH THE BULKHEAD!, and with the steering feel of "oh, it's rumbly", I'd say we may need a little more help.

Or maybe less, I dunno. I'm not in a position to say if one is more difficult than the other. I guess control-pad-w@nkers do get to go from lock-to-lock with just a flick of the thumb......although if that's something you need to do often, you're probably spending more time in the fence than on the black.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I always drove with throttle and brake on an analog stick when I was using controller. Mind you that was during the days of the PS2!
  mk1 Octavia VRS
I always used to use the buttons for accelerate/brake on the Playstation (I actually still have my PS2 slim and the old Gran Turismo games 1-4 I think). On the Xbox I'm used to the analogue shoulder buttons for accelerate/brake but the main difficulty I have with a pad is the steering. It's OK on Gran Turismo, Forza etc. but when I tried my Xbox pad on Project Cars I really struggled! Thankfully a mate kindly donated me his old Momo force feedback wheel.
  Listerine & Poledo
I always used to use the buttons for accelerate/brake on the Playstation (I actually still have my PS2 slim and the old Gran Turismo games 1-4 I think). On the Xbox I'm used to the analogue shoulder buttons for accelerate/brake but the main difficulty I have with a pad is the steering. It's OK on Gran Turismo, Forza etc. but when I tried my Xbox pad on Project Cars I really struggled! Thankfully a mate kindly donated me his old Momo force feedback wheel.

They say the PS4 Shoulder buttons are analogue.
And that the face buttons are digital.

All I know is that 0.5mm of button travel goes from idle directly to redline...... I'll have a dig into system settings and see if this can be helped.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Annoying that I can't get past 55s, just keep understeering everywhere! Tried various settings and it's still the same.

How are you getting low 50's?

Pretty sure I could get my 182 round quicker than I can on this.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Luck, lunacy and practice. First corner, aim for the green bar on the left, brake down into 4th (or the top of 3rd to be safe), turn in. The car will run wide a little if you go in too hot, but if you wait the front end will grip again. Once you know you're going to stay on track without running wide into the gravel trap, nail it. Brake at the bridge down into mid second gear, turn in late, to give you a straighter exit, you can afford to use lots of lock here (but not much more than 180 degrees). Again nail it once you know you aren't going to run wide, and hang in 3rd to the left hander at the bottom of the hill, at which point, tap the brakes, shift down to 2nd just to get the front end tucked in, then hit 3rd and keep your foot in. The chicane can be taken flat in 4th if you have big b****cks, use most of the rumble strip on the first half and a decent whack of lock to avoid going off on the 2nd half. Use the throttle and brake together to slow down for the tight right hander, in order to avoid a massive slide, then short shift to 3rd before the apex. Aim to be hitting 80mph as you cross the safety car line, and if you're onto a winner by that point then tuck into the inside as the main straight kinks. If the lap's not looking like a winner and you're about to try another lap (tyre temps permitting), don't cut across, instead follow the very outside of the track to give you the highest speed possible at the start of the next lap.

Rinse and repeat.
