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Clock/Temperature/Radio display does not illuminate.

  Clio Sport 182
Hello guys, i need your help.
After replacing the head unit i realized the the radio/clock/Temp display does not illuminate. Displays temp and time but does not light up.
Any ideas please?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Hello guys, i need your help.
After replacing the head unit i realized the the radio/clock/Temp display does not illuminate. Displays temp and time but does not light up.
Any ideas please?
bulbs will have gone in the back they're 509t fitment. I'm just about to replace mine with some LED ones to avoid it happening in the future. I would personally try and get dome topped LED to allow for better light dispersion across the displays.
bulbs will have gone in the back they're 509t fitment. I'm just about to replace mine with some LED ones to avoid it happening in the future. I would personally try and get dome topped LED to allow for better light dispersion across the displays.
have you got a link to leds you've bought as I wanna do the same, cheers
  Clio Trophy
If you have replaced the headunit it could be related to that? Have you fitted an after market headunit?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
have you got a link to leds you've bought as I wanna do the same, cheers
I bought these because I have a white and red LED dash conversion. They do other colours though :)

If you have replaced the headunit it could be related to that? Have you fitted an after market headunit?
It would still light up just not display the radio details. The bulbs are a terrible design by renault and were updated to PLCC-4 LEDs in later cars with an update list stereo. Unfortunately the LED board doesn't fit in the tuner list clock housing.
