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Clutch on its way out

  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Last night on the way home from work I was stopped on an incline behind another car.

The car pulled off and I tried to as well but I was giving more and more gas, letting the clutch out more and more and by the end of it I was sitting at 5000rpm with the clutch completely engaged and Im hardly moving forwards.

It definately wasnt wheelspin (would heard that and my window was open)

I drove home quite gingerly after that but the clutch felt like its always the damn thing on its last legs and what will it cost to get sorted?

it should cost about £150 upwards depending on the quality.

How to test for a faulty clutch.
Put your handbrake on tight. now try to pull away as normal without trying to stall it, if the car moves the clutch is ok , if the carr stalls you need a new clutch

mines on its way, at Trax there was an incline up from the tunnel and my car was strugglin like mad!

Alsi when u try and wheelspin the car jus revs then kicks in afta 5 secs and actually starts to move!
  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Well I spoke to my father, first thing he asked me was "was I maybe in third?" Im pretty sure I was in first, and wouldnt third have stalled very easily on an incline?

Next thing he asked was "could I smell burning cos at 5000rpm and slipping the clutch should really pong." Couldnt smell a thing and the driver window was open.

He thinks maybe my clutch stuck, which is possible cos the car was warm.

Ill try your test on my way to lunch just now
