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Clutch Problem

Just noticed a strange noise coming from my engine/gearbox area.

Whilst driving along half throttle in 2nd and lifting off and accelerating again a stange vibrating sounds in coming under the bonnet (sounds like its coming from below me). I cant actually feel any vibrations.

Also, when I parked up, throughout the travel of my clutch, a strange whiring noise was coming from under the bonnet too!

Both are connected I assume, as theyve only just started happening.

Also, I though my clutched was seeming a bit heavier.....but it doesnt feel any different driving (no slipping etc.).

Any ideas???
  Clio II 1.4 Priveleg

Hi Tom

Could be a worn out clutch release bearing.

Cant be sure without hearing the noise though.


It wasnt a clunk clunk noise, I dont really know how to describe it.

It seemed to go away last time I was out in it, but the clutch was still heavy....even heavier I mean! lol!
