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Coilover Adjustment / Adjusters

right well some of you may know some may not....a recently bought some coilovers (still not fitted but getting fitted soon) but here's the thing a dont wanna keep booking it in at garages just to lower/raise and a daint wanna keep asking me mates there any thread on here on how to lower/raise coilovers? just a havent got a clue!

oh and another thing a hear if you remove adjusters you get a bit extra mm drop but is it safe and what mm do you get taking them out?

  RS6 C7
Its easy, Every-time you adjust the height you will need your tracking done, Its very easy to adjust them, you simply move the adjusters up or down the thread with the spanner included, Just make sure the garage get your ride height correct the 1st time and then you wont have to play around with them ;) I had my rear adjusters removed and its perfectly safe as the springs are still located on something, The handling wont be so good without the rear adjusters though :( , I doubt you will be able to remove the front adjusters as your car will touch the floor long before the thread runs out.
  Vectra there any threads on here with how-to pictures just so a see what needs done? the handling isn't really a problem with it only being a 1.2 , thanks for the help
  RS6 C7
Just have a search on google mate, All coilovers adjust in a similar way, There may be a thread in the guide section but as your not a member you wont be able to see ;) Sign up mate its well worth the money and you will be able to see the for sale section which is full of goodies ;)
