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Compression testing, expected psi for clio 182

  clio 182
Need some help to determine what I should be expecting for compression on a clio 182, So the other week, I did a compression test on my clio 182 I've only had it for 2months. With using a sealey compression tester it read just under 160 psi across all 4 cylinders. From checking the workshop manual for the FR4 730 engine says compression ratio is 11.2/1. So to find my expected psi for the ratio I use (11.2*14.7) /1=164.6 psi (I live pretty much at sea level so why I used 14.7). So that should be the figure I'm looking to get(close as) but I've seen people quote around 190 psi on here for good compression. just wanted to find out if I'm right or if the car is running low on compression.
