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Contract question/Upgrade


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
I want to upgrade my phone to the new 4S, but for that I need to be paying £40 per month, now if I was to change my tarrif £40 per month will I just be paying the £40 till the end of my contract (Ends next april) or will it start a new for another 24 months plus the remainder of this contract?

Also to the people that have upgraded how much did you have to pay for the 4S?

Iv always been a PAYG noob so iv no idea about all this :rasp:



ClioSport Club Member
What phone do you have now?

Might work out cheaper to sell yours and just buy a 4s.

Or ring O2, and see how much it will cost to buy out your contract so you can get a new one with a 4s.
From what you say, you currently pay <£40 a month but the 4S contracts are >£40?

They won't let you just upgrade as easy as that, not 6months early. So you'll have to pay off the last 6months and then start again with another 12/18/24months.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
I guess your with O2 like me due to you mentioning their cnuty idea if a great deal with early upgrading? Your in the same boat as me, I can upgrade in April too!!
The annoying thing is it only just changed to £40 pm minimum!!
I don't reckon they'd let you change to £40 pm then upgrade, plus you'd have to move to a 24 month contract at £40+ pm. Worth a try tho.
O2 are seriously the worst company for loyalty. Not like they used to be, you could get anything out of them!! I'll be going voda with the wife.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
What phone do you have now?

Might work out cheaper to sell yours and just buy a 4s.

Or ring O2, and see how much it will cost to buy out your contract so you can get a new one with a 4s.

poor mans 3G its ideal for work as I dont mind getting it s**t up etc and its been dropped numerous times but its getting slower and slower so not the best day to day phone.. So il keep the 3g for work and use the 4s outside of work away from the oil, mud,water etc :rasp:

From what you say, you currently pay <£40 a month but the 4S contracts are >£40?

They won't let you just upgrade as easy as that, not 6months early. So you'll have to pay off the last 6months and then start again with another 12/18/24months.

Yeah, currently paying £35 a month. I went into P4U at the weekend they babbled on about changing my tarrif to the £42 per month tarrif, I could then go in pay x amount for the phone. Didnt really understand what they were saying tbh, I didnt have time to get the whole load of info, so I thought someone on here might be able to shed some light :rasp:

I might just wait till my contract is up next april. Seems alot easier lol
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ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
I guess your with O2 like me due to you mentioning their cnuty idea if a great deal with early upgrading? Your in the same boat as me, I can upgrade in April too!!
The annoying thing is it only just changed to £40 pm minimum!!
I don't reckon they'd let you change to £40 pm then upgrade, plus you'd have to move to a 24 month contract at £40+ pm. Worth a try tho.
O2 are seriously the worst company for loyalty. Not like they used to be, you could get anything out of them!! I'll be going voda with the wife.

yeah with o2. The people in P4U have said a few people have gone to the £40pm tarrif and upgraded the next day, but i didnt have time to sit and get the info on wether it would mean starting a new 24 months contract.. Il be leaving o2 if i decide not to upgrade as signal around here is awful now, used to be good but its getting worse :(
  2014 Clio 200t edc
It *should* only be a 24 month contract when you upgrade, but I wouldn't put it past O2 saying yes you can up your tariff, but you have to be on it for x months before you can early upgrade!!
Plus then you've got the cost of the early buy out. Which I think was around £20 pm left to run.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
It *should* only be a 24 month contract when you upgrade, but I wouldn't put it past O2 saying yes you can up your tariff, but you have to be on it for x months before you can early upgrade!!
Plus then you've got the cost of the early buy out. Which I think was around £20 pm left to run.

Im fairly tempted to buy out early anyway, as I said signal around here is getting worse, I only get signal in my house when im in the kitchen :(
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Have a look at three. They claim some stupid percentage of signal converge, and their 4s deals are the best about!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
3 aint to great around here, best seems to be orange for signal as the other half never seems to not have signal...
  182 with cup packs
Dont bother getting one yet battery life is shocking might go back to the 4 myself. It doesn't seem to be just my phone either?
