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Coolant Temp Sensor

  Skoda Fabia vRS

i need some help finding this as i want to replace it

in my Haynes it says its on the left hand side of the cylinder head but i havent got a clue where to look, and does that mean left from the cockpit or left facing the engine from the front of the car ?

will it be on the front or back, and does it have a connector going to it, or some coolant pipe work ???

my car is a 1.4RT...........E7J engine

Joe if you could get me another diagram it would be a massive help

my Oval plate is C57B
  Skoda Fabia vRS

well ive just looked an i thought id found it, but seems thats the fan switch

Joe can you help ?....

oooo, maybe that wasnt the fan switch lol, i dunno now
  Skoda Fabia vRS

could you show me the diagram mate as there are 2 things close to each other

the problem is that it might be causing my idle problem, as when it first started months ago loads of people said this was probably the cause, and at the moment my coolant temps on the dash are slightly fluctuating for no reason..............the problem has come back

On mine (16v) it was the white one. On yours the one next to the dizzy cap looks white

Take the plug thing (white bit) off, unscrew the sensor, put new one in, and put the white bit back on. Job done!

Ive just had mine replaced because off cold running problems but it hasnt made any difference!

Hope this helps

  Skoda Fabia vRS

cheers mate, i spoke to Nigel over at RSC an he said its that one too

if you replaced yours, how fast does coolant come out of the hole ?.....if your quick is it not that messy ?

Not much, if your quick, but like I said it didnt fix my problem, but I suppose youve got to try it to eliminate it!

Whats wrong with your engine, is it just an idle problem?

Let me know how you get on anyway
  Skoda Fabia vRS

yea it is, ive had it before an i needed a new idle motor and ECU !!!

but ive got a feelin its not them this time
  Skoda Fabia vRS

i think i might pop out an buy one in a bit, anyone ever changed theres and its solved a problem ?
