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Correcting headlights

  Storm Grey 200
Do i have to use something like Plastx or will menzerna IP or FF do? This is after wet flatting them


same as paint mate, wet sand then with as light grade as you can (3000 megs i used) then using the rotary, IP then FF.
Had to sand mine down with 1800, To get the heavy glaze off mine. Followed by 2000 then 3000. Spent quite a bit of time with the rotary.. But they still need some work.


always start with the highest possible grit, then if your not having any success, change to a lower grit.
I did, Used a few grits. Had to resort to 1800 because it seemed to be the only thing working. They look fine.. Just a few swirls from the sanding which i will take out when the weather is better.
