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  Broken Diesel Megane :(
Anyone know roughly how much it would be to get the cable fixed in my drivers side seat. The cable on the handle for moving the chair forward to let some1 in the back. Some snapped it :mad: . Thanks
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Is your Cup out of warranty? I'd try and get renault to do it for free. Otherwise I dunno probaly £50 or so... bit of a random one tbh bud. However, don't let people in the back through the drivers and make them use the passenger side only. Then it won't cost you anything. :)
  Broken Diesel Megane :(
Yeah its out of warranty. Jus a pain in the @rse. Sooner i get the seats out the better. Wanting to strip it. Not a fan of leather that much anyway. Cheers for ur help.
