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CUP finally dropped!

All week i was waitin for saturday, finally came and my baby had its first proper mod, lowered 30mm on Eibachs! and i dont regret it one bit!!!!! visually its not alot of diff initially, but id been watchin it thro every step, when my mates came round later on they noticed straight away, the front looks more obvious and more aggressive but still with comfotable room in the arches for the 17s that are comin!
Albeit it may look better, i didnt do it for that reason, more for the actual drivability of the car, so bring on the twisty thrash! all i can say is wow!! you can feel the diff straight away! obiously not on straights but roundabouts and tearin round bends feel much differentr and more controlled. Still hate all the speed bumps in my area tho! oh well!

  Renault Laguna Coupe

Yep, thats pretty much how I reacted when I fitted mine. Did you remember to get the wheel alignment checked?

yeah they done all the allignment (spelling) for me, put it up on the ramp, with those laser things, sortedevrything and gave me a pretty printout with pics of all the wheels and stuff! pics to follow when the 17s go on!

What kind of price does this come at, not sure I can get mine dropped as Ive got a steep bit to get onto my drive.

mine was a pretty bit on the steep side at £190, but that included fittin and allignment, and hot choccie, and a lift home to pick up my Locking wheel nut bolts as i forgot em! lol! Worth every penny!
  RB5 & 172

is this just for springs, did you keep the renault dampers?

whats the ride like is it alot firmer than standard?

Yeah just the springs, i kept the old ones too. the ride actually feels more comfortable!! over speed bumps she feels smoother, i can feel pot holes a wee bit more i think, but i defo wouldnt say alot. its just right, not bouncing around and still not feelin every bump on the road! Firmer but somehow more Comfortable! mayb its just me.

only got the camera on me phone after breakin the gfs digi cam(doh!) note to self, dont get drunk and sit on lens!

But will get some proper pics once ive got the wheels on and shes settle properly! or go Saffend to the meet and itll be there!
