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Cup OE stereo question

  172 Ph2
The standard stero in my 182 cup is a bit crap but does the job kinda ok. It would be great to have more flexiblilty though and an MP3 headunit was my first thought as this would allow me to store more tracks and lessen the need to keep leaning over and juggling discs during a high speed chase up the m1! I don't really want to fit an aftermarket stereo though as I don't ever like the way they look in on the dash of most cars and also the read-out is currently above/integrated the dash and I kind of like this. I was therefore wondering if the standard head unit would take a cd changer? There's loads on ebay and I was wondering which would work, if any!
  106 GTi
Sod the cd changer get a Dension Ice Link cable and plug an ipod in. You control the pod from the headunit/stalk and keep the top display.


  ST on the way...
Sony CDX-MP40.

Was a dealer option at one point.

With the correct wiring box it works the screen and controls.

Got it in mine and can't fault it really :D
