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cup owners


Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 28 January 2004

Theres no shortage of them on here. ;)
Looks like weve got another one....

Get yourself into driving tales.... Theres plenty of proof in there of the Cups general sh*t-hot-ness...

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 28 January 2004

Roamer is running 212bhp @ fly.
LoL Lee, Shhh I try and keep it quiet, cup owners dont like a "subordinate" car to have more power etc than them ;)

Felt just ignore the 172 owners, some of them are just jealous of our extra performance, superior handling and better looks.
  Clio 172 Cup, Audi A

in the end, does it really matter if cups are supposedly better than 172s??

maybe they are, maybe they arent, its like being in a playground reading some of these posts.

All that maters is that people are proud to owner a clio, why dont you just all get along instead of tryin to compete with each other in a slanging match!

I know what you are gonna say, "chill out mate, we are only having a laugh", but you wouldnt think so some of the time.

Agreed ^^ Notice how the 172 owners always seem to have a dig and cant leave a post like this alone without their sarcy ass comments.

Quote: Originally posted by felt on 28 January 2004

i meant in performance and i would like to know if any1 is pushin more break than me (187)
Felt, wanna tell us what youve done to ya cup so far matey? sounds like youve been doin a fair bit on it already, new exhaust on the way too yeah? what is it?
