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D.I.Y Lowering,

I have been told (or seen on here) cant remember that you can lower your car on the standard springs?

They said just to cut the original spring to make it shorter!!!!!! :rolleyes:

is it just me or are there too many crazy bodgers? :S :S
  RS Meg 175
a potensially fatal exercise lol

dodgy as a maar f*cker, if you dont no what your doing you can cain yourself up lol also dont skimp out on cutting springs tis silly when you can buy proper ones for under £100, also you will have no standard springs to put on when you come to sell it.
I heard people have seriously harmed em seleves lowering/playing with suspension, because of the sheer amount of enrgy bound up in the springs.
Matta_88 said:
a potensially fatal exercise lol

dodgy as a maar f*cker, if you dont no what your doing you can cain yourself up lol also dont skimp out on cutting springs tis silly when you can buy proper ones for under £100.

thats what i mean, you can get springs for as low @ £70,

why are people so mad,

clio cups ran cut down springs. Neil on RSC used to do the chopping when he worke dont he pit teams

lots of manufacturers just cut down springs.

As long as its a parrallel spring its fine. Renault springs suit it well as they are not flattened like other manufacturers springs are.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Its the stupidest idea i have ever heard..... Completely not worth the hassle. Springs are designed so that when they are compressed, the pressure is applied appropriately. I was told of a guy that tried to bodge a spring and it ended in him being impaled by a spring. I've seen these things launch across a workshop...... New springs are cheaper than medical bills.
