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Dangerous car

A while ago (about three months) I posted about a violent vibration noise on my car to see if anyone had an idea about what it could be. Since then it has been into Heards Renault garage in Basingstoke a number of times with various parts being replaced but nothing changing the problem. It is so bad that I have hardly been using the car even though the garage said it was ok to drive. Having spent this much time I was pretty p1ssed off, so I rang Renault UK.

They told me to seek a second opinion, so they rang Mill Lane garage in Aldershot and explained the problem and got them to ring me. The service manager there rang me up and I booked the car in. The car went in yesterday and I had a call yesterday afternoon to say they had found the problem (snapped bolt in the gearbox), and that the part could be fitted the next day (today). I am told that it is fixed now so will pick it up later. Good news.

My main gripe however is that he said he was going to ring Renault UK to complain about Heards of Basingstoke because the car was and has been for months dangerous to drive. You can imagine my annoyance. Has anyone had a similiar situation? So far I have spent three months effectively without a car and when I have driven it, it has been dangerous......yet I have been offered no apologies or explanations or compensation.

Any ideas what I should or could do about this? Also anyone know wahat could happen that would make the car dangerous given that a bolt in the gearbox was broken. I will find out more when I speak to the garage later, but would be interested to see if anyone has been through this process before......


Except for an apology, I wouldnt expect much.

Theres a fine line between whats reasonable to expect and whats not. Im not for a moment suggesting that your case is the latter, but since you cant place a physical value on what has happened to you it cant really be expected that anything but a reassurance that it wont happen again will be forthcoming.

I tripped and fell on some ice the other day in the office car park. Someone suggested that I could have claimed compensation if I had broken a bone due to the car park not being gritted properly, but I think thats rubbish. My attitude is that if I fall on the ground then its my fault for not wearing some huge snow boots to walk safely in an icy environment!

I think it would certainly be wrong to expect any financial compensation in this matter.

Kind of agree, but one garage has a car in and out for three months and cant find a problem, yet another can find it the first time. The service manager at the latter garage said it was a fairly easy problem to diagnose and that he was very annoyed with the first garage for allowing the car to be driven away from the garage in that condition. Apparently the engine was not mounted properly so was moving around under driving. I am no expert but presume that means there is a possibiity of the engine falling out or something similiar? I guess that could be pretty dangerous if driving on the motorway at 70?

Bearing in mind I have hardly used the car for three months while the car still depreciates and I have to pay for other way of getting around, I would expect anyone to think this i unacceptable from a pretty new car.

thats tough mate, i am the master at getting screwed by big companies, garages, insurance companies, banks, so i totally know how you feel

lesson to be learned. If one garage cant solve it within 2 attempts, take it to another dealer close by that hopefully has more of a clue. Go around to Heards and get the management out and play hell with them - youll probably get your next service free or something.

I reckon you should get compensation of some kind without a doubt, at the end of the day you have receipts and wot not, also another renault garage to back you up.

You should at least get the money back for all the work the basinstoke garage did as this was not relevant and down to misdiagnosis.

Also any money you paid out to get around shuld definately be claimable, ring your citizens advice bureau or see a solicitor, usually free advice for first 1/2 hour.

sue the f***ers
