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dash lights go all weird much needed help plz

Hi all, i just bought another 1.2 shell, when i got it back i thought i would have some descent tunes playing whilst i sort and list what needs doin then all of a sudden when i started checking lights etc i noticed the head unit turns of then on when i turn lights from side lights to dip beam and the clock doesnt light up at all and also on drive back the speedo needle seems to bounce and my mate said i was doin bout 60mph but speedo says a bouncy 30/40mph but mileage still goes up need help please i.e earth points to check behind dash etc etc please someone help im old skool ford and cant afford that so turned to the best side lol :p any help is much appreciated.
i dunno y put "dash light" etc in title but my previous daily/project hense my name on ere as beastinsheepclothing but the engine desided to make a peep hole in the block, so bought another one £120 as need a good shell and a running engine as need daily, but anyways i thought i would ask if it saink silly b4 i start takin the dash out and start investigating lol
Hi yes basically was the T**T that owned it previous but it was a wire that was pulled tight so much makin the earth not properly in plug on back of dash cluster and also i thought battery was not holding charge, changed battery and it stopped the dash surging and working intermittently. Unfortunately i can build an engine etc but cant do electric's 100% so well done my father hahahahaha
