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dash removal guide?

You don't need to take the dash out to change the stereo. Just stick 4 small screwdrivers down the 4 holes in the stero.

Fubar has a guide on his website on how to remove the dash top if you want.


ClioSport Club Member
eddie i have to take the dash out because i have got the connector for the steering wheel controls connected and it is behind the clock, i did it 2 years ago but forgot where all the screws are
  A Beautiful R32

Just wanted to ask if you HAD to take the dash off to get behind the display as the panel looks like it will just pull off? I need to know for exactly the same reason as you MC, ie to put the steering wheels control adaptor on... ta.


Just wanted to ask if you HAD to take the dash off to get behind the display as the panel looks like it will just pull off? I need to know for exactly the same reason as you MC, ie to put the steering wheels control adaptor on... ta.


For easy yes you can get under the dash if you've small hands and work blind but for the effort take the dash top off its not difficult.
