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Dash removal, switch off air bags??

For anyone that has removed the top of their dash on a mk2 172. Do you need to switch the air bags off?? Is it a difficult job to do, any tips on those little hidden screws everywhere??


  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
i've done mine two or three times without disconnecting the battery, I have a bad experience of disconnecting clio batteries, really f**ked up my alarm on my last one.
Ok cheers, will have to dig out all my codes. Is all I need a torx screwdriver?? Any pointers as to where all the screws are?? I just need the top bit off (I think) need to get to the sat nav aerial???

Thanks again!
Woops, crossed posts, now you've got me worried!! Surely it can't be that bad disconncting the battery or is there a "special" Renault way of doing it so that you have to get to a dealer ASAP after doing it!! Either way, it'd be a sh1tter if an air bag went off, can't I just turn the thing on the passengers door??
and again! Right, I'll try without disconnecting, is it a full days work do you think or just an hour or two??
  Chocolate Bar™
the airbag may still go off i was informed by renault even if the battery has been disconnected. the only 100% safe way to do it is to get someone to lock the airbags off using CLiP. my local does it for £25.
25 quid just to turn a key?? fcuk it, I'll just have a go and be gentle with it, had a quick look to try and find most of the screws, are there any behind the silver trim on the passengers side??


ClioSport Club Member
as said there are 3 behind the passengers side trim and 1 behind the drivers side one, this trim just pops off if you've never done it before. and there are a couple of screws at the vent below the window (cant remember how many or where about (DONT DROP THEM IN THE VENT!!)

watch the clips at each side of the blower in the middle of the dash above the radio etc as they snap easy, renault snapped one of mine, dont know if that was them just bein useless tossers tho
Ok thanks, will have a crack at the weekend. Will have a read in the handbook before disconnecting the battery, don't want alarm probs!!
