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Davyy's Clio.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Hi this is my 1.2 Clio, I bought it about 20 minutes ago, im yet to pass my test but i just had a saxo but sold it.. whats everyone first ideas on what to upgrade/change on their clios?

Anyway here is Cleopatra :D


Rate, slates and ideas for mods please. And i know she is only a 1.2 :(
  Renault Clio 1.4
Congrats on buying your first clio...

mods you should make-lowering springs, colour code, clear side repeaters, rs grille and maybe window tints...

Your choice though

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Thanks for quick replys, when you say colour code i guess you mean painting the bumpstrips? Also i know a lot of people smoke their headlights by spraying the inserts.. is that possible on these and anyone got pics of them done? Not sure about slamming it cos insurance is pricey enough!

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Congrats mate, what made you sell the saxo?

Mainly sold it cos it was this colour, erm the letterbox backbox was welded on, very loud knocking with my cyclone alloys on and clio is a bit more modern with pas etc and its 2 groups lower on insrance :)

  White mx5 mk1!
colour code the side strips on the doors/ do handles aswell will tidy it up a fair bit and look alot smarter :)

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Well my step dad fitted my sub and amp today, fusion sub and fusion 450w amp, sounding pretty good along side some kenwood front speakers and sony xploid CD player, gonna upgrade to ripspeed dvd unit next week hopefully. Cant see a single wire in the car which im pleased with, here are the pics :) Btw not running the tweeters as i have no crossovers :s



Sorry for the Blackberry camera!

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
And the wheels are a brand called BK Racing, never heard of them but I do like them alot, think they suit nice :)
It's a MK2 Ph1 mate.
Good starting point you've got there!
As mentioned few ideas:
Colour code plastic bump strips. Even if you just do the ones down the side.
Dual optic headlights
Maybe lower it.

Oh and pass your test. That'd help :)
