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dealers have to put up with sh*t too...

I klnow they always get a bad pressbut i cant blame them after going to a local VW parts dept today to get some bits - the woman in front of me at the desk was moaning about needing a new key fob battery for her key had a new badge for her key as the old one is worn (wtf?!). anyway, she then decides to demand that someone sort out the boot light never going out -

"its on every time i open the boot, it has already drained one battery since it was serviced last month by you"

"well of course it is madam, its wired to the boot sensor that tells if the boot is open or not"

"dont talk such rubbish - its obvious isnt it? your mechanics deliberatelyput it on at the service so i would have to have a new battery. well now i just want you to take the battery out."

i mean, with people like this no wonder they all sound grumpy and fed up!

Ive seen this loads not just at garages but also at supermarkes with people complainign about anythign they can (loads of old people round where I live so they need something to do and winging is there prefered hobby).

I ofthen though I should go over and tell the customer where to get of and to give the guy/ girl a break and get a life. Thats what the employee want to say but cannot for risk of loosing there job?

Anyone who works with customers out there and want to tell me if I should do it? or should I just ignore it?


i did a stint at pcworld once and we hada sales lad who had a call so he picked it up and said hello and all that then the customer said im thinking of buying a new pc so he replied with when you have finished thinking about it call me back and put the phone down lol
  Renault Laguna Coupe

For Gods sake dont do it. One of the things customers think they buy with a purchase is the ability to command attention for no good reason. Doesnt last long :sleep:


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50

Thing that annoys me most.. people in petrol stations, going into the checkout bit and giving the staff sh*t, telling them there pump is broken because its keeps clicking off! I once was stood behind this guy, who was shouting at the lady behind the desk and i said "ive heard the fumes comming out of the petrol tank make the nozzel click off.. if you just do it slowly for a few mins it will begin to work fine again" he stared at me with disgust.. turned back and continued to moan..

owww yes bubbles! there are some stupid and arragant people out there! i work at somerfield in stone, and this is a little town full of snotty nosed people! especially old people, who just look at u in disgust, or go out of there way and have a rant at you for doing nothing. im not one of the lads who goes around looking for trouble, i am the exact opposite. but its pethetic! i get them comming into the store and having a moan at me! telling me that such and such a product was bought from here in the week and I MUST HAVE SOME IN STOCK! even though there clearly isnt. i know the customer is always right, and u cant argue with them bcuz they will call for the manager :(

  Skoda Fabia vRS

ive worked in retail now for just over 3 years, and people/customers can be so annoying

the most important rule to remember is that the customer is NOT always right, they dont know sh*t most of the time, its very rare that you get someone that actually does know more than you do.........

used to get it all the time in Morrisons

we had a bloke in work today (Motor World) who had ordered something that havent arrived yet, we told him 10 days and yesterday was the 10th day apparently, anywayz, he comes in an asked if it had arrived, it hadnt, so then he starts gettin totally aggressive/angry with my manager, for no good reason, tells him to get on the phone now and find out where it is..........he got the reply of we cant because its the weekend and all the suppliers are then he wants his money back.........fair enough.........starts sortin that out and with a shop full of people he shouts.........its f**kin sh*t in here everything ive bought is sh* which he got the reply of...........well why are you here then ?............. :)

the best thing about it was that he had ordered some weird part which we had spent ages tracking down for him, i know that most places wont take the effort we did and now he isnt going to be able to get hold of it.........but obviously he wont come back after that little tantrum he had in the shop

I used to work in car sales and the best i ever saw was on a cold sunday mornin when the owner was in his office and a flash git walked in with his girlfriend and said "right i know about you cowboys and i dont want ripping off i want a good deal on a good car " my boss already pissed off as the heating hadnt kicked in yet just looked up from his desk and said "get out of my office and piss off my site this is private property " at which the red faced idiot and his embarresed girlfriend did .


  Audi TT Stronic

Quote: Originally posted by BRUN on 24 August 2003

the most important rule to remember is that the customer is NOT always right, they dont know sh*t most of the time, its very rare that you get someone that actually does know more than you do.........
What I hate most is when you go into a shop to get stuff for you car, and it turns out you know a hell of a lot more about it than they do, its like when I went to testdrive the smart coupe roadster.. I knew more about the bloody car than she did.. grr..

i get ignorant t**sers who know nothing running their mouth at work all the time, i work in the parts dept at a BMW dealer and just when i think ive heard the biggest load of bullsh*t ever i hear something worse. plus you get customers who order you to do things and generally try to treat you like a servant, the obnoxious t**sers. we had one woman on friday who came in and threw her keys really hard at one of the service reception girls then started shouting at her saying that the car has this problem blah blah blah , i mean throwing the keys at her before even saying a word, totally over the top or what

I used to work in a building society and you used to get t**sers moaning about how bad it is being a customer having to wait in the que for 15mins, so i once replied with just think how it feels working here, hearing that from every other customer. then I got really picky about the ID rules and told the witch she needed to bring in some photo ID, which she didnt have on her so she had to go home and que up again! LOL:D

Then youd get people sounding off coz theyve got an audience behind them, so I used to take them in to the managers office to talk to problem thro, coz theres one else to hear the problem theyd just chill right out and you can sort it without all the drama.

One of my hobbies is watching people and how they behave.

Recently Ive spent quite a bit of time sitting in the customer waiting area at my local Renault dealer and can only liken it to a dentist waiting room; every one is tense and edgy, expecting the worst…to be parted from their hard earned cash (almost as bad as loosing a tooth!).

With this sort of atmosphere, I can under stand why, when the service manager approaches them sheepishly and bluntly gives them the news on their pride and joy, he nervously waits for their reply….

the only good thing about working in retail is getting to meet so many fools.

the funniest one ive had in a while was some woman coming in and asking why we didnt sell ignition bulbs.

Sorry madam Im not sure which bulb you mean, could you perhaps show me?

So heres me thinking it must be a dash bulb or out I go and the women starts pointing at her side repeaters...oh you mean your indicator bulb....

you have to laugh really:)


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTi DSG

I used to work at B&Q at weekends during uni for 5 years, man oh man, used to be a right laugh there. Especially cos the managers were cool and didnt take sh*t off no-one. Used to get druggys come in all the time trying to nick stuff and swipe money out the till, security gaurd just used to take them round back or in offices upstairs, rough em up and send em on there way, never came back again.

Someone once bought a electric scarifer thinking it was a lawn mower. Come back in going mental at me on customer service till, saying it doesnt work, hasnt cut any grass, only good for picking up leaves. Told him it wasnt a lawnmower and bloke behind him at till just pissed himself with laughter. Some right dickheads.

Had other people wanting to buy 1 screw when they come in packs of 20, but I just want 1, no sir, they come in packs of 20 I cant sell them individually, thats why there packaged up £1.20 per bag. So Id leave em, then theyd go to till with 1, ripped up packet just for one, barcode call goes out, Id go and get it to find this dick with 1 screw, told you there packs of 20. So he wants to see manager and started having a go saying were trying to rip people off, I want 1 screw, why cant I buy 1 screw. Dickheads!!!

Man I miss that place lol


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Phew dont even bother working in carphone warehouse.

Mobiles do funny things to people
  Not a Clio

its even more fun when your customers dont speak english as a first language.

The worst are the chinese:

me: "hello..."
them: "i cant understand you"
me: "i said hello"
me: "How can i help you?"
them: "what you mean?"
me: "is there anyone there who speaks english?"
them: "you want to marry my mother?"
me: "thanks for calling!"
them: "oh sank you sank you"

Really pisses me off.

