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Death of the MK1


I was chatting to another member last night at our local meet about how there are so few MK1s at meets theses days....

Is it because the owners have got older and had to sell there cars for more family type ones or have they just become fed up will the whole car forum scene?

Come on MK1 owners tell me what you think?


Ive personally had three Mk1s, but have now got a Mk2.

I guess that as the Mk1s get older, less people will be running them as their daily driver and more will be used as track and fun machines. Plus, of course, there is the tendency for older hot hatches to get crashed, trashed or not get fixed when the costs get too large.

I also think that a handful of more vocal Mk1 owners have moved over to another site, which will probably eventually happen with the Mk2 owners in time.

As an overall place for knowledge of all things Clio though, this site cannot be beaten.
  silver valver/hybrid

i think its partly to do with some people moving on and partly to do with the sheer numbers of people with mk 2s being on the site, if you look at all the willys and valvers that have been sold in this country it doesnt add up to a huge number and im sure there are only a small portion of those actually on this site, and there dont seem to be that many rt/rn/rls either. so what im saying is there probably is almost as many mk 1s as before just a huge amount more mk 2s now.

Dealerships offering years free insurance certainly encourages 1st car owners to but new rather than live with an older car for a few years

there getting old now and expensive to repair - half the ones we get in for repairs are knackered and need hundreds spending on them to get em right. The clientel that own these cars ( young lads ) dont have the money to spend so they end up with half a job being done. This happening over a few year period results in a car that wants scrapping due to neglect and lack of funds to maintain the vehicle. The remaining MK1,s end up being wrote off due to accidents and then being dismantled for spares. They are becoming rarer and rarer just like MK1 XR3i,s and MK1 Golf GTi,s. Only a few are well looked after by enthusiasts and keen owners on this site.

A lot of people seem to think that the most important part of the car is the aircon, the electric everything, the traction control, all the other driving aids.

The MK1 clio is too much of a drivers car for them.. you have to put effort in to driving it, you have to learn its limits..........

its not a smooth ride, it rattles, it costs a lot to repair, and they corrode easily....... but for those who can live with that and get over them problems the rewards are..... bloody fantastic!!

IMO of course!!!

Quote: Originally posted by Justy on 22 June 2005

A lot of people seem to think that the most important part of the car is the aircon, the electric everything, the traction control, all the other driving aids.

The MK1 clio is too much of a drivers car for them.. you have to put effort in to driving it, you have to learn its limits..........

its not a smooth ride, it rattles, it costs a lot to repair, and they corrode easily....... but for those who can live with that and get over them problems the rewards are..... bloody fantastic!!

IMO of course!!!
:D Totally Agree

agreed with above, whats the mk1 site anyway?

had a 1.2 then an rt, but the for the cost of the next step a valver or willy i can now afford other cars that are more reliable, something that now that im getting older, (20) i need reliabilty for getting to and from work etc.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

Quote: Originally posted by Justy on 22 June 2005
A lot of people seem to think that the most important part of the car is the aircon, the electric everything, the traction control, all the other driving aids. The MK1 clio is too much of a drivers car for them.. you have to put effort in to driving it, you have to learn its limits.......... its not a smooth ride, it rattles, it costs a lot to repair, and they corrode easily....... but for those who can live with that and get over them problems the rewards are..... bloody fantastic!!IMO of course!!!

Agreed also. :) My car has none of the above toys, in fact it doesnt have power steering, any kind of audio setup, nor does it have airbags, galvanised body etc etc, but it is excellent and puts a smile on my face everyday.
  Pug 306 GTi-6

As said above, i think most people are gradually moving over to mk2s. Ive got a mk 1 but thinking of selling up and going for either a more powerful mk1 or mk2.

the cost of repairs and the fact that itll probably need a few discourages me from a mk1 as, where the mk2s are newer, the law of averages should say that less will go wrong. Also the wrattles of the mk1 put me off a bit as whatever you do they wont go away.

I agree the mk1 is more of a drivers car but your not telling me that a 182 or similar isnt?

Quote: Originally posted by Bazzeray on 22 June 2005

I agree the mk1 is more of a drivers car but your not telling me that a 182 or similar isnt?
Dont think anyone is saying that!! I would love a 172/182 but on my wage I cant afford one!!

I think there is a culture (not just with cars but everything, phones,PCs, tvs audio equipment) these days towards always having the latest thing newest shiniest with the most toys then a short period later replace it with the newest. The cost of running an older car normally works out about the same (depending on the cars in question) as running a newer one.

My R5 turbo for example, had never had a clutch or turbo and various other items that at the 80,000 miles i sold it probably werent far off. Add the cost of these sorts of things to the more frequent servicing and less fuel efficient nature of the car and it becomes as expensive to run as the payments on a new car. I think people start to think do i want to spend the same money on an older less safe less well equipped and in some cases getting a bit rusty and looking ropey car or have a new one...

This wasnt the reason i changed my cars the last two times but i can see the logic. I can see the pros and cons of owning both and i still would (if i could find another minter) happily own a R5 turbo today as i have 2 &1/2 years of trouble free very fun motoring out of it. Down to personal choice at the end of the day i guess and when you own a £1500 odd valver thats reached the 100k plus mark and the bills start to reach 50% or more of the cars value i guess some people wonder if its worth it.

My valver cost me £1100 and I must be lucky, because apart from a few niggling problems I seem to have had less problems that a lot of newer car owners on here!

Guess it depends on how its been driven but i know a few valver owners reach 70-100k and then all the bills start rolling in. Engine mounts, gearbox mounts, driveshafts, wishbones, track rods,steering racks, PAS pumps, water pumps, shockers, etc soon mounts up if you put genuine or uprated kit on rather than pattern sh*te. I never put anything other than genuine parts or uprated ones on my cars but some people arent as bothered and will maintain cars on a lower budget using pattern parts.
  The Jinx

The sensible ones amongst us pay just over £1k for a good example that has a higher mileage. Ergo its had all the big jobs done, but is still in fine fettle.

Mines cost pish all to run in 12 months.

Reason I traded "down" (as some people think) is because I hated all the crap toys on my "newer" clio.

That plus newer cars are too overweight IMO. Not the makers fault, its just modern regs. It detracts from driver invlovement and enjoyment. That and the fact that there isnt a modern car under £20k new that Id wish to own as theyre all dull.
  Rb 182

I like having a Mk1. Think that mines is a clean one makes it stand out form all the new cars. Around my way there is so many new black clios. If there is a cliosport meet around my way then i seem to have the only Mk1.


The question is:

Should we be keeping them as standard or play with them?

Old RS Fords can be worth a mint in good condition and standard because theyre so hard to find.

Im *trying* to keep my valver as close to standard as possible, but its so easy to just buy uprated parts over standard, on the basis that they will enhance the drive even further, or last longer, or maybe even be cheaper than genuine renault parts.

Id much rather buy a standard untouched car myself then play with it, so whether I strip mine back and re-fit standard parts when I come to sell is still undecided...

Ive got a Apr 92 black valver. Its immaculate, apart from a bit of rust starting to appear over the rear arches (are there any that havent?) which ill get sorted soon.

its had its share of probs and everyone i know thinks im mad 4 keeping it given these probs and its age, but theres no way ill get rid of it, even if i have to keep it in storage in the end for occassional use

my only gripe is it looks stunning when just washed an waxed, but 5 mins later starts getting road dust on it which i guess is the cost of havin a black car

not a case of the MK1 being dead, more like theres little to post on so you here less about them. I cant see me ever getting rid of my car really... the amount it has cost me. J3ned, your spot on in what you say, think most people if they have owned a older car will just want an easier run and get whatever is cheap and comes with free stuff... like insurance etc... thats almost certainly the attraction of the Clios and why you see so many young people driving them. If it wasnt for the looks id have had a 172 over the Willy. Would have had to have been an exclusive tho, interior is stunning, and being French is even more impressive.

[Edited by TheJesus on 22 June 2005 at 1:37pm]

oh, 16vMuppet my car has next to zero rust anywhere... it just breaks a lot instead...


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Justy on 22 June 2005

A lot of people seem to think that the most important part of the car is the aircon, the electric everything, the traction control, all the other driving aids.

The MK1 clio is too much of a drivers car for them.. you have to put effort in to driving it, you have to learn its limits..........

its not a smooth ride, it rattles, it costs a lot to repair, and they corrode easily....... but for those who can live with that and get over them problems the rewards are..... bloody fantastic!!

IMO of course!!!
I do disagree with this comment about the aircon, the most important part of the car certainly isnt the aircon but if you can get a car that handles and paces the same as one without, why would you choose the one without, you dont have to use it for track days etc, and let me tell you, the weather as it has been this last week it has been invaluable and I couldnt do without it!

I wouldnt say the MkI is more of a drivers car, it is just that I know nothing about how cars work and how to fix them and if I had one I wouldnt have a clue what to do when they go wrong!

With a 182 I get all the niceties without the hassle of fixing it because I have a 3 yr warranty. That is the reason I wouldnt have a MKI really, my lack of skill when it comes to cars.

I can only afford a mk1 - not all of us can afford a 172 or 182, so for value for money and smiles I think the mk1 is one of the best drivers car.
  megane coupe F7R

Quote: Originally posted by Speiro on 22 June 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Justy on 22 June 2005

A lot of people seem to think that the most important part of the car is the aircon, the electric everything, the traction control, all the other driving aids.

The MK1 clio is too much of a drivers car for them.. you have to put effort in to driving it, you have to learn its limits..........

its not a smooth ride, it rattles, it costs a lot to repair, and they corrode easily....... but for those who can live with that and get over them problems the rewards are..... bloody fantastic!!

IMO of course!!!
:D Totally Agree

I also agree:)

Quote: Originally posted by TheJesus on 22 June 2005

[Edited by TheJesus on 22 June 2005 at 1:37pm]

oh, 16vMuppet my car has next to zero rust anywhere... it just breaks a lot instead...
dont make me cry :(. u must be one of the lucky ones. ive only had mine for 18 months, so its last owners cant have looked after it as well as i do. it is only bubblin so doesnt detract too much from the car - just squint a bit when you look at my rear arches ;)

i have a little rust but in the past year the mechanics of the car have pretty much behaved themselves!! not bad for a 107k 92!!!

hardly lucky really pal, thats just one good point... the car has cost me over 7k in 1.5 years of owning... thats for repairs and cams... the cams I got a very good price on, so basically looking at almost 6k in repairs :eek:
