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Debadging the rear

  350z GT
Are the badges on the rear as simple to remove as im hopin??

just a hair dryer an a credit card jobby?? Then a clean up of the glue residue after??


The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
The clio badge is held in by two pins.

There is therfore two small holes under the badge which are visible if you remove it.

You can remove the others fine though
  b/g 182, meg tourer
sometimes a job to remove the outline left by the badges tho. plenty of tar remover and srp.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I tried taking off the renault badge once, did not end well!

If someone decides to re-attatch it with super glue be warned you'll end up respraying the boot! :)
  b/g 182, meg tourer
exactly. unless you have owned the car from new, you cant be sure how the will come off.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
^^ I'm only the second owner too, the lady who bought it from new caught the boot on the driveway post while collecting shopping - the bodyshop did a sterling job of fixing the scratches and then proceeded to superglue the renault and sport badges back on straight away!

So when I tried taking them off it just ripped the laquer and iceberg off!

I can guarantee though if anyone ever buys my car they can get them off no problem :)
  Clio Sport 1400
driving behind a clio the other day with 3 holes in the left and 2 on the right haha talk about a half job
