No worries. We didn't make it round as there was an incident where Boomerbang went off road and spun out. Engine wouldn't RAC had to be called. 😧

Hmmmm, what could be the problem? Better ask Mike, he dead clever :spanner:'s muddy
Really muddy
Really, really muddy :astonished:
That's never a good thing as I found to my own cost at Donington Park.
Better have a look at the engine while Leon cranks it over
That's not right, the belts aren't moving. Lets look into the belt run and see if we can spot anything wrong...

That's not good
Not good at all.
The crank pulley should not be at that angle and that far from the block :down:
Time to call the RAC I'm afraid Leon.
And as if by magic, here he is.
Bye, bye Clio 😞
Tbh I'm glad I didn't attend this time, conditions this weekend seem to have been appalling nationwide!
With heavy frosts yesterday and then windy and wet and greasy roads today
Curborough was fun on Saturday with frost on the track until late morning and then oil in the afternoon :stig:
The roads on Sunday were not really suitable for fast driving but I was determined to get the triangle done this time...
Your lots meets are jinxed!
I'm beginning to think it's me that's jinxed, that's yet another time I never got to complete the triangle :disrelieved:
Hopefully, when someone has a look @
boomerbang2006 car it won't be too costly a repair