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Decent phone unlocking website?


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Well I tried and tried to find a way to unlock mum's new Samsung for free... but it seems that on her model, there just isn't a way, so it's time to pay up!

There seems to be a lot of price variation and some dodgy old looking websites that do the unlocking, so has anyone got one they can recommend that definitely works and is a decent price?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
what are we back in the 90's here, you cant really unlock phones by codes these days.
Funny how I got one for my HTC one within 10 minutes then eh? Apple is an exception to this obviously.
Who was the seller on eBay? and what do you think of the phone, looking at getting my parents one on that tesco deal for £99.00

i cant remember now, was last christmas, only paid 1.50 or something.
loved it when i had it, for the price screen and battery was excellent, as was stock android. i struggled with only 8gb of storage for apps, but depends how much they use apps.

there are quite a few versions out now, inc 4g of the original, and a larger screen option.

best bet is to go on hukd, search moto g and have a read through of the comments, theyll have links to ebay unlockers too.
edit think this is the one you were talking about:


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
depending how handy you are with rooting, I know HTC's can be done.
Example is what i have used before (still had it in favourites)

There could be a Samsung tool out there.

Unfortunately not for her model. I've done a lot of research! Already loaded custom firmware etc. so learnt quite a lot about rooting and stuff.

Cheapest I can find on eBay is £26.50 is that about right? Then again could get a brand new Lumia for £75 with 2 years warranty...
Don't you have a man who sells phone cases and scarves from a stall on wheels in your local shopping centre or a similar shop you can pop in to?



ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
That man looks like he's ready to murder, but yes I must have somewhere...

£25-30 seems the going rate for anything Samsung :fearful:
