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Deep Bronze

  Clio v6
Been asked to post these again. Sorry everyone.


















Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Oh it looks well, love that low down side shot, lots of angles!
Amazing! Love the colour. A friend of mine has a brand new S3 in a similar colour that Audi call Sattelbraun Perleffekt...

Needs a name like this for it to be considered amazing. They could have came up with something better than, Deep Bronze..:sleeping:
  Listerine & Poledo
Needs a name like this for it to be considered amazing. They could have came up with something better than, Deep Bronze..:sleeping:
Errrrr. It's French mate, not Nazi.
Bronze Profonde would be correct, but it doesn't have the "watch out, they're locking up the Jews" feel to it that VAG titles come with. :wink:
Maybe Italian? - Profondità di Bronzo

ANyway, whatever it's called, it looks mint. Period


ClioSport Moderator
Saw this about 10 years ago at GDI, it looks to have changed a bit since then. Absolutely love the colour. what a car !
  Clio v6
proper name is marron callisto
a space theme with the colour names. mars red, saturn yellow, callisto is a moon of jupiter etc
it is indeed the boulevarde
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ClioSport Club Member
This car is unreal.
Can I ask why you picked this particular colour? Did you know it was going to be rare/unique or was it just your favourite colour available? Always shocks me there aren't more as it looks so good, but I think part of the appeal for us commoners is that it is so rare, maybe wouldn't be so special if there were 100 of them?

Illiad is still better though :)
  Clio v6
It was less bright than the other colours, I would have loved most others had I been younger. Plus it matched my hair on a sunny day :smile:
Mr Benton sent me pics of it from the car show in Germany, said it was awesome, Tom has good taste.
It just happened that I chose that colour and nobody else did before the option scheme stopped. :grinning:
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ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
proper name is marron callisto
a space theme with the colour names. mars red, saturn yellow, callisto is a moon of jupiter etc
it is indeed the boulevarde

Sweet is it ever out and about? That's 5 minutes from my house... I actually bought my Clio 182 from your road :)
