sealant wise i would go for:- Jeffs Carnauba or Chemical guys jetseal 109, i have tried both on RB and they both look good the Jeffs winning with a slightly warmer look, without carnauba i find the Racing blue looks a bit duller, i prefer a deeper/wamr/glossy shine. They are both pi$$ easy to use and will last well, Autoglym Extra gloss protection (EGP) is good aswell but the above ones give a better look imo.
and any wax like Dodo juice purple haze or Chemical guys 50/50 the former of the two longer lasting/bettr finish and more expensive!!
ali is right to a certain extent RB is hard to improve the finish massively, but i have good eyesight and can notice them!! lol:rasp:
A good polish to use would be Autoglym Super Resin Polish SRP, and if u want to be proper 4nal a glaze like Prima Amigo would be a very nice adddition