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Detailing Help Please


Hi guys,

Looking for advice on how to clean the car properly and in what order to do things etc. With my old car just used to wash then let dry but think I should make some effort to keep the 182 shiney.
Could any of the cleaning gurus list decent products to buy?



  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Racing blue is a difficult colour to work on...The expense on products does not yield much better than cheap products imo...

If it's in bad nick paintwise, PM me or alan and we'll chat about PC'in the car.

  "Navy" N17 TWO
Racing blue is a difficult colour to work on...The expense on products does not yield much better than cheap products imo...

If it's in bad nick paintwise, PM me or alan and we'll chat about PC'in the car.


Oh Ali, have you got the horn again :evil:


If it's in bad nick paintwise, PM me or alan and we'll chat about PC'in the car.


Cheers, the paintwork ain't that bad actually. Can see a few swirlmarks but not much! Well I can't see many!

Could someone list products to buy as I have no idea what to buy as there is that many to choose from!


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
sealant wise i would go for:- Jeffs Carnauba or Chemical guys jetseal 109, i have tried both on RB and they both look good the Jeffs winning with a slightly warmer look, without carnauba i find the Racing blue looks a bit duller, i prefer a deeper/wamr/glossy shine. They are both pi$$ easy to use and will last well, Autoglym Extra gloss protection (EGP) is good aswell but the above ones give a better look imo.

and any wax like Dodo juice purple haze or Chemical guys 50/50 the former of the two longer lasting/bettr finish and more expensive!!

ali is right to a certain extent RB is hard to improve the finish massively, but i have good eyesight and can notice them!! lol:rasp:

A good polish to use would be Autoglym Super Resin Polish SRP, and if u want to be proper 4nal a glaze like Prima Amigo would be a very nice adddition
