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Diesel leak 1.5dci

  clio 1.5 dci
Hi guys, got a 55 plate clio 1.5 dci , yesterday it wouldnt start and took 5-6 attempts and just as the battery was fading it started, so i drove to work approx 45 miles away, as i parked up and got out i could smell diesel, so i tried starting the car again to see if it would start.. the starter motor spins faster than normal and the car wouldnt start, i lifted the bonnet and could see theres been diesel spraying out, the bonnet liner was soaked with it on one side like its been spraying up, ive attached a pic of area it must be coming from as directly above these pipes is where the liner was soaked and dripping and you can see the rubber seal is wet, the car is stuck at my work miles away so wondering if its a possible easy fix or if i need to organise a tow home, any ideas cheers!!!

  clio 172
give the primer bowl a squeeze and see if the pipe leaks,just incase you don't know what the primer bowl is its the black ball in the picture between the two metal pipes....
  clio 1.5 dci
cheers, no I didn't know what the primer was thanks for telling me, I will travel up to work on Sunday and check it, so should be obvious if the primer itself is punctured just from a squeeze of it?
  clio 1.5 dci
was the diesel leak of pipe,came completely off, breakdown guy advised me to replace it and get a new blanking cap, seems to be plenty of generic pipe and blanking caps on eBay, are these universal fitting ?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
you should be able to cut the old pipe off the fittings and push some hose over to replace.

I'm pretty sure I've got a lawn mower fuel line at the moment and it's been fine for 20k+

My fuel line has a split but it only opened when it was on boost and the pressure was up
  clio 1.5 dci
update! car ran prefect for a day and was starting quicker than it has done for weeks...then this morn I was on way out and after about a mile the car just lost power instantly and speed started dropping, infection fault flashed up as it crawled to a stop, I was really low on diesel but not completely empty and I always run it that low, checked under bonnet and could see fuel line was mainly air with bubbles of diesel!! primer bulb didn't get rid of went to get a can of diesel and poured it in, fuel gauge never budged off 5 litres but the fuel line is now full of diesel can't see any air bubbles, but it's still just turning over refusing to start!! any ideas ???
  clio 1.5 dci
I'd tried that already cheers, virtually flattened the battery so had to abandon it, the wife has gone to get it recovered, she text saying the guy thinks it's the battery??? could a duff battery cause what happened to the car, how would a battery cause it to grind to a halt??


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
You should have seen the charging light come on before it died and if that were the case you wouldn't have been able to turn the car over after.

Get a code reader on it is your best bet. High mileage?
  clio 1.5 dci
58k mileage, breakdown guys verdict is....possibly battery not supplying enough power, possibly needs oil, possibly not enough diesel in...and air in the fuel system, said get some one to crack open injector let air out? I'm no mechanic but surely the battery and oil thing is b****cks for what happened??


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
what he said ^^

Oil wouldn't cause what you've described.

You can only fill it up and just pump the primer until something comes through. If nothing comes through you know the problem is fuel related
  clio 1.5 dci
so, plan is..charge battery, bang some more diesel in, pump primer, key need too be in and turned for that?? and I'm hoping that some air comes out yeah? what's all this crack open an injector nonsense he's talking about? think they sent a yts lad out :p

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Crack the injector pipes off to blead the air out unless you fancy revving the engine for a while and possibly caulsing damage

so , fix fuel pipe ( if you haven't ) whack some diesel in tank. Prime fuel system via primer bulb, crack injector pipes off ( not undo fully ) crank till a nice spray of diesel comes out. Tighten pipes back up and start up, hold revs between 1500-2k for a few mines to help bleed out any other air in the system. If you drop the revs , it will die again
  clio dci , ren8
You don't crack the injectors off and do that on a 1.5 dci as with the high pressure they work under you could end up getting hurt ! by what you have said & that you run it low on fuel regular you have probably killed the pump :(

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Are you for serious!! Since when have you heard not to crack the injectors off LOL

crack them off, get in car and crank. Don't need to bloody hold the injectors

fixed to many dci's now and even Renault and the specialists on here will crack the injectors off to bleed air out
MicKPM , proper method for bleeding Air out of fuel system?
  clio 1.5 dci
so, crack or no crack lol, and where can I get the fuel piper, it's like 3"long just buy a length and cut or is there pre made official hose?
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Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Don't crack them off , for the sake it sounds like I'm in the wrong for Doing that although every mechanic I've known does it for perposes of bleeding air for systems and finding out if fuel is getting upto injectors on symptoms of non starters.

as for fuel hose, you'll still want a primer bulb. any rated fuel hose will do, think I've used ' W ' fuel hose before
Normal pump distributed diesels, yes crack the injectors. When I went through college we had it practically beaten into us that you don't crack off common rail diesel injectors, due to the massive amount of pressure behind it.
  clio 1.5 dci
Another update, i banged in 5 more litres of diesel, and started pumping the primer bulb... id previously thought the clear fuel line was full of diesle with no air bubbles..... how wrong i was haha diesel started being pulled into the tube! the tube was empty and full of air previously, thought you might like a laugh ;) , so i cant try it out yet cos the battery is 100% flat will have to charge it tomorrow!! more mongland dci updates tomorow folks!!
  clio 1.5 dci
guys, can anyone be kind enough to lob up an eBay link to the right hose and blanking cap, do I need else anything to secure the hose on? cheers for all help so far!!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
At cranking speed on the K9K the fuel pressure will be more than safe enough to open the injector union and you only "crack" them open a smidgen till you see fuel. I don't think the pressure regulation program will allow it to run anyway as it will detect the general pressure loss at the main pressure vessel.

This is only to purge air mind and there is always a real danger of hurting yourself when working on any car.
