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Diesel Servicing Requirements

Hi, just after some information and possible tips to help me out servicing the missus clio mk4 diesel, its coming up to 23k was last serviced on 15k by the dealer but she wants to have a go at doing it herself (with my help lol) now ive done a couple of diesel's but am more a petrol head and vauxhall at that! what would need doing apart from oil and filter? i was thinking fuel filter too? also how do you change the fuel filter on these? also what spec oil will be ok for it?

Thanks and sorry for the all the questions, couldnt find anything in the search!

She does quite a lot of miles, was last serviced at 15k on 12/9/11 its now on 23k and she wants to service it a bit sooner than last time, had a read of the manual and its very vague about whats required and when its next due, i would of thought they would of put a service due by or miles in the service book from last time.
Cars a 61 plate if that helps?
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South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Doesn't actually answer any of the above questions, but I guess that means it's about 6 months old ?

Going to be voiding warranties servicing an almost brand new car like that yourself, surely...
pressed reply before i was done lol, it may void the warrenty but she not that bothered, just doesnt want to be ripped off like last time with a service


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Saving £100 on a service and having no legs to stand on when you're left with a £10k garden ornament that doesn't work...? There's no point servicing earlier than the required intervals either.

Wimmin logic at its best there.

The manual won't be vague.. They will be set out as miles or time, whichever comes first.

Dealers are rip-off merchants but it's one of the only ways OEMs make any money these days. Should have got a service pack thrown in with the car ;)

Call a specialist in your area and get them to do it. Should keep the warranty that way.
