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Do I need this?!

Trying to fit my rs grill back onto car which is proving difficult with this black box thing on the back. Do I need it? What's it even used for?



Fitted. Drove me absolutely mad that did! Still interested to know what it is anyhow.
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ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
I dont have one of these on my car.

Just priced one up to the cost of £64.45

Should i get one and get it fitted or leave it off ?
I dont have one of these on my car.

Just priced one up to the cost of £64.45

Should i get one and get it fitted or leave it off ?

£64.45? That's expensive for a bit of plastic?
Although now I've seen what it protects, I'm glad I've got it back in!
(Alternator and attached belt is hidden behind it)
