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Do i tell them

My insurance company wont let me get my car lowered cos they dont cover mods. Soooo... do i....

A: Get it lowered anyway and not tell em

B: Wait till my renewal in January and change insurance company

i know option A includes risks, but how often do they actually send someone round to check the car over anyway? Your thoughts please
  182, GTR, C63

Nah f**k it if you wanna make it lower get sum fat ass friends!! and then lower it when you renew your insurance

insurance companies will get out of paying if they can, if you smash it and they send an assessor (which they will) your mailto:f@@ked">f@@ked.

just wait 6 months or eat loads of quarter pounders with cheese and shakes :)
  BMW 330d :)

Silly question! Always go for B! My car is my pride and joy and I would never risk losing it if something went wrong!

  Mondeo ST TDci

as every1 else said ! i wouldnt even consider A!

You might b carful.. but u can never guarantee some1 wont hit you! then as matlow said.. the assessor will try to find a way out of it ifhe can! then your in a big pile of sh1t tbh! personal liability ... driving without insurance... etc etc.

NVA worth the risk !

so wait and go for B !!!!!
  Lots of Alfas

^^ i think i read somewhere you can get away with it if you spray your neew springs black or something, why dont you try a different insurance company like elephant or liverpool victoria, elephant even let you tick which mods u hav on ther website when you do a quote.
  Fabia vRS

B...fella, save up till january and mod something else in january as well!

if ur not tellin them about something, u want something u can easily remove in the event of a crash...still a mega risk though.
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Depends, Im TPFT - theres no reason for the insurance to see my car, to back this up I had a prang, took full responsability and they paid - no hassle - no international man of mystery who can spot a mod from 50k miles away coming to check on me. Infact I have had modded cars for 5 years and never heard a peep - they DONT send people to check you out. Thats a paranoid myth.

Up to you to take the risk - if its only lowered a bit on standard rims they might not even notice should they require seeing it - just dont crash for 6 months.

If some one bangs in to you then their insurance will pay and their insurance will see it - not yours.

By the way I WORK in insurance so Im not talking out of my back side.

invaribly, if u modify your car, and dont tell, then if u have a prang,as was said earlier,then they will usually invalidate your insurance. if like matt16v,u r on tpft,then it doesnt matter, cos u pay for your own damage, but if u on comp, then it m ight b wise to either tell them, or move company to someone who does cover mods! i know when i was @direct line, most of the time, mods cost u, but sometimes as long as we knew about it, that was all the underwriters cared about!!!
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner

look at the worst case scenario .. what if you run someone over .. im sure the insurance company would do everything they could to get out of a payout meaning your up s**t creek until your about 85

correct, and, it would mean a)u would probly struggle to get insurance again and b) even if u did get insurance it would b like 5 grand tpft!!
  ex Clio 172 owner :(

Always tell them. I declared coded mirrors as exterior decorative changes on my old Clio. I declared the lowering too.

Even if you have only tpft you should declare them. What say you crash into the back of an expensive car and your insurers inspect your car. They look for the slightest reason not to pay out, especially nowadays with falling profits due to personal injury claims, which owner of said expensive car is likely to then file against you personally.

Cosmetic changes or a valid insurance certificate? :confused:

Only one answer mate.

[Edited by Chris1.4RT on 19 May 2004 at 5:12pm]

as i said to someone once b4, if u tell em, they may not charge u 4 it> when i worked 4 tescos, a guy had amongst other things(wheels exhaust), a quick change on his g/box, and they said to me just to mention it in comments, so we had a record of it! if he hadnt, and had a smack, his insurance would have been worthless!

ta for the feedback... to clear things up i fully agree with u, hence the reason i phoned them telling them what i planned to have done. It is then that they told me i couldnt lower my car.

I will wait until january and change ins company... think its best this way as it took me nearly 3 years to save up for my car and i would hate to see it all gone after one accident!

Ta very much all, give yourselves a pat on the back for helping someone do the right thing. :D

Dont do the mods - A lad I work with insured his megane coupe as lowered, 17s, full stainless and aero wing. When he crashed it the assessors found it had a superchip and void the insurance. He just managed to get a payout because the underwriters said he could claim responibility and pay the difference for the chip which was about £40 extra for only the three weeks he had the insurance cover. The downside is his excess went up from £400 to £1100 for claiming the responsibility!!!

Apparently he was lucky as the underwriter normally tells you to p**s off.

Quote: Originally posted by Matt16v on 19 May 2004

Depends, Im TPFT - theres no reason for the insurance to see my car, to back this up I had a prang, took full responsability and they paid - no hassle - no international man of mystery who can spot a mod from 50k miles away coming to check on me. Infact I have had modded cars for 5 years and never heard a peep - they DONT send people to check you out. Thats a paranoid myth.

Up to you to take the risk - if its only lowered a bit on standard rims they might not even notice should they require seeing it - just dont crash for 6 months.

If some one bangs in to you then their insurance will pay and their insurance will see it - not yours.

By the way I WORK in insurance so Im not talking out of my back side.

Yup agreed ^^^ TPFT not much point because at the end of the day, as long as your mods arent changing performance of the car the insurance car wont care except fact its more likly to get nicked, but then again if u dont declare the mods then they wont pay up for em.

as for fully comp..... declare all! no point at all in getting fully comp and then havning it f**ked over (btw whats underwriters?!?)

fubar if i was in your shoes, tell the insurance company that if they cant cover your mods, then u want to cancle the policy, and claim ur refund, and will be taking your business else where.

(though some times u cant do this till u have been with the insurance company for 12 months, but im pretty sure theres someway out of this, because u are paying for a "service" that you are not happy with")

In regards to A. You are effectively, Driving without insurance, which is an offence as you know. Think how you would feel if some gypsy ploughed into your pride and joy and you couldnt claim off them.

I would take route B IMHO!
  E55, KitCar & '85 Quattro


well route B is full of bodyroll and hight!

IMO, if ure a corner freek, then ull b better off wit a lower sus, coz u wont roll the car as easliy, so that means u wont crash as easily.

(lol, i dont know how i think em up, i fighten myself sometimes!)
  E55, KitCar & '85 Quattro

hmmm, i just let this topic fly over my head...

my car is lowerd by 35mm and i aint told my ins company. my dad sed not to bother- but seeing as he is paying for the insurance, and ive told him a few times that it might b void, its up to him really.
mind u, my insurance broker has a lowerd vectra estate (and 2 porsches) and his son told me that he didnt say nething about his springs so i guess ill b ok, as hell know wot to do to swangle things

[Edited by S2 PTH on 20 May 2004 at 3:05pm]

Quote: Originally posted by S2 PTH on 20 May 2004

hmmm, i just let this topic fly over my head...

my car is lowerd by 35mm and i aint told my ins company. my dad sed not to bother- but seeing as he is paying for the insurance, and ive told him a few times that it might b void, its up to him really.

mind u, my insurance broker has a lowerd vectra estate (and 2 porsches) and his son told me that he didnt say nething about his springs so i guess ill b ok, as hell know wot to do to swangle things

[Edited by S2 PTH on 20 May 2004 at 3:05pm]

Think we could all do with a mate like that!!!!!!!!

Quote: Originally posted by ricjax99 on 20 May 2004

In regards to A. You are effectively, Driving without insurance, which is an offence as you know. Think how you would feel if some gypsy ploughed into your pride and joy and you couldnt claim off them.
I would take route B IMHO!
He is insured tough so if he crashed into you your covered. Its him and his car which arnt covered and the insurance companies will try and get back any money they spend fixing your car etc from him.

okie doke... its clear from your reactions that u think im doing the right thing then... by waiting till renewal date and then changing companies. Ill also be 21 by then so a 172 might be more of an idea :devilish:
