Recently, I have been thinking that my headlights don't seem to show the road as they should. Full beam is fine, but on dipped, there seems to be a cut-off line at the top of the spread of light, and sometimes the road ahead is in complete darkness. I am going to try and adjust them tonight with the white screw behind the headlights.
Do these look right?
I know the photos aren't brilliant, but you can see on dipped, that there is a straight line across the top and if this is pointing too low, I can't see bugger all. I'm pretty sure when I bought the car, they weren't like this as I didn't have the need to use full beam that much, where as now, I have to.
Do these look right?
I know the photos aren't brilliant, but you can see on dipped, that there is a straight line across the top and if this is pointing too low, I can't see bugger all. I'm pretty sure when I bought the car, they weren't like this as I didn't have the need to use full beam that much, where as now, I have to.