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Do you use traction control?


  A thirsty 172
I just left it on all the time and turned it off when I felt like "exploring the grip levels".
I no longer have it and TBH it doesn't make a huge amount of difference, especially during normal day to day driving.
  Iceberg 172
I don't have it but I can't see the advantage of it in the Clio unless you really have no driving skill at all!

I've been driving my boss's M3 a bit and I am thankful that has it sometimes!
  Clio 1970000000
I leave it on but have occasionally turned it off when there was a lot of snow or just for a bit of fun.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I generally leave it on unless I know I'm going to be giving it some stick. ie pulling out of a junction onto traffic at high speed or a spirited drive laong some nice tight twisty roads.

Turning it off also makes the ESP less intrusive which I feel is more important. I had it off 90% of the time during the snow as it was easier and more predictable to control without cutting the throttle and applying the brakes.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I switch it off as soon as I turn the engine on. Had the ESP kick in once, thought I had switched it off, and it felt so unnatural in how it tried to correct a bit of understeer. Was like it braked the front to swing the back round a bit. Because I didn't realise it was on, it scared the hell out of me.

Found it much better switched off in the snow too.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I've tried turning mine off but couldn't see the button ;)

Not interested in it to be honest, don't need it myself - now an abs dial on the dash to adjust the intereference would be reeeeeeeeal niiiccce :)
I generally leave it on unless I know I'm going to be giving it some stick. ie pulling out of a junction onto traffic at high speed or a spirited drive laong some nice tight twisty roads.

Turning it off also makes the ESP less intrusive which I feel is more important. I had it off 90% of the time during the snow as it was easier and more predictable to control without cutting the throttle and applying the brakes.

Turning it off also turns the ESP off completely, does it not?
  TrackCar & F30 330d
I dont have TC or ABS, dont need either of them.

Just balance the throttle when driving and look far enough ahead so you dont need to slam on.

And when i'm on track i just feel where i'm on the limit of grip when accelerating and braking.

i have mine on for day to day driving because if i change from 1st to 2nd with enough force i get spin going into 2nd and then i turn it off when i feel like attacking a twisty road in the dry


  RB 182 Cup
Hang on so is it switched on normally and when you switch it off the little car in a triangle symbol pops up on the dash?

I forgot I had it LOL! I was wondering what was killing the power when I've tried accelerating hard at times. Absolute fail on my part!
Mine doesnt have it, this thing pulls itself back in anyway for some reason. Although when the front end goes, it goes.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Turning it off also turns the ESP off completely, does it not?

More than likely. I just remembered 1 of the renault tech guys saying it's never fully switched off and will cut in iff things go really pear shaped.

I've never had it cut in when I've had it all switched off, just thought I wasn't pushing it hard enough
Might not be that much use for day-to-day, but I think it's saved my bacon on a few occasions. Best leaving it on, imo.
just asking as i tend to just leave it on day to day, cant do any harm. only going to benefit me if it goes pear shaped. by traction control i meant the ESP button which i was under the impression was traction control. i may be misled here?

think i would only turn it off if wanting to have a little fun.
  RS 172
I dont have TC but I probably would in the wet.

Cant believe how spin happy my car is, first gear is to be taken gingerly or my front will light up at almost any RPM. In the wet heavy acceleration in second can see some light spin.
