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Dodgy wiring on 16v

  Clio 172 Cup, Eunos

For fcuks sake!! just when everything was going ok...!

Got in my 16v the other day, turned the ignition key, all dash lights came on, but no starter?!?!?...tried again and the same...

got out and bumped it off and was fine then...

Happened again this morn, so got out looked under the bonnet and messed about with the wires and gave them a pull/push, and wahey, it started fine...

Has anyone else had this prob? Took the dash off to test the ignition switch and wiring and the current is going through fine - its a white wire that goes from here to the starter....just a broken wire/dodgy connection?

The bloody wiring loom is massive in the engine bay and dont know what to do...anyone???

Take it to soemone who knows what their doing - you could f**k it up more by messing around with the electrics.


coincidently this has just started happening to me this last couple of days, sometimes starter turns, sometimes it clicks, sometimes nothing. Been bumping, but it aint always possible to park on a incline. Gone to have a look to see what the problem is, will keep you posted, let us know if you trace the fault as its possibly the same, Cheers
  Clio 172 Cup, Eunos

No worries - found it to be in the wiring loom that comes from behind the bulkhead and the heat sheild - its splits 3 ways, one to the engine/starter, one to the lights, and one to something else....its at the junction of wires that splits into a Y shape that ive located the prob after looking again at lunch...seems like a dodgy wire cos i got someone to turn the key in the car whilst i was messing and moving the wires....

Keys turned and you can hear the fuel pump come on, then move the wires and it starts....theres about 10 different wires tho, and more than one white one, (Haynes says its a white one in the manual).....doin my head in now....
