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Domain name

I bought a domain name from lycos, and a webpackage from another company, as they offered unlimeted bandwidth + unlimeted space.

at the moment, i have my domain name pointing to the root folder of my webspace. But i was wondering, if i can set it up, so that if i make a folder for example, called 'files' on my webspace, and i then go to '' it will show the directory on my webspace, as at the moment, if i do '' it just shows the root folder.

Sorry if you dont understand, if you dont i will try break it down more 8)

Thanks in advance for any help :D

oh, and if you need more info, just ask :) thanks a lot

it doesnt tho :/ theres a folder called files on my webspace, but just takes you to the root of my webspace. As i said, i got domain from one company, and webspace from another, thats got soemthin to do with it maybe
