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Double din???


ClioSport Club Member
hi guys

right im thinking of putting a dvd player and small screen in my car! here is the complicated part.......

i already have a normal alpine cd/mp3 player in my dash i want to mount the dvd player inside the glove box and make a mount/mould to fit my monitor over the top of where the cup holders are.....

my problem is how the hell do i go on about wiring in a secondary head unit? i am quite technically minded but i cant get my head wrapped around this one.

Any one overcome this in the past?

Any help offered will be great help.

cheers guys

  172 cup'd extreme
split the iso sockets so 2 run off the one feed, you can either go down the scrapper and get that part of the loom or make your own from the an iso connector and some additional wiring.
i would also run a seperate wire for earth/ switched live and live from either the engine bay (live and earth) or cut into the thicker wires going into the fuse box for power.
the above if it is a proper HU some dvd players just require 12volts from the ciggie lighter etc
  Civic Vtec y0
Personally I would run the dvd from the cig lighter feed. its easy enough to do if you have a bit of common sense about you. just need to get some extra cable


ClioSport Club Member
its an alpine cda-9852rr.

cheers for the help by the way guys.

Have also thought of getting a set of the sunvisors with monitors built in and do it like that instead! Anyone know what those thigs are like quality wise?
