Rich said:
It works for me and I am sceptical of most things! Drove the 100 or so miles to FCS and it almost 100% stayed dust free, Waxed it with Souveran while there and drove home, car was dusty as hell when I got back. Wished I had wiped it down before I left.
^^^^ A bit confused there Rich :S You said it works , as in not attracting dust then you said it was " dusty as hell " when you got back from FCS .
My cars ok for a day or so after a good wash , wax , anti static QD , but within a few days its back to having a fine coating of dust just as it was before using the QD . Tbh i don't think theres anyway round the dust on the car problem other than washing every 2 - 3 days .Then your not actually eliminating the problem of a waxed car attracting dust but hiding the fact that a waxed car attracts dust .
When i had my 172 i only ever polished it a couple of times in the 4 years i owned it , washed it every couple of weeks , never waxed it but never had the dust problem .
Apparently waxes that contain beeswax like P21'S are prone to attracting dust , also any product that contains silicone will attract dust . So i guess that is where the problem lies , a waxed car will attract dust and there doesn't seem to be any way around it