Afternoon all. Have any of you moved from an Elise to a V6? I've had the Elise for coming upto 3 years now and it's starting to feel a bit ordinary. I've done well to last three years as I went through a stage of changing cars every year. The Elise isn't the easiest thing to replace but on the shortlist would be a Clio V6.
I've done a bit of reading up and the Clio seems a possibility. From what I know so far I would be looking for a mark II as the mark I would be slower than the Elise, along with the dubious handling of the mark I?? I've only sat in a V6 and wasn't overly impressed with the interior build or quality. The pedals seemed quite oddly set aswell.
From what I know the pro's are,
Stunning looks
Comfort (compared to Elise)
Running costs
other drivers attitudes
Interior quality
What am I missing?
I've done a bit of reading up and the Clio seems a possibility. From what I know so far I would be looking for a mark II as the mark I would be slower than the Elise, along with the dubious handling of the mark I?? I've only sat in a V6 and wasn't overly impressed with the interior build or quality. The pedals seemed quite oddly set aswell.
From what I know the pro's are,
Stunning looks
Comfort (compared to Elise)
Running costs
other drivers attitudes
Interior quality
What am I missing?