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Engine breather pipe?

  Clio sport 182
I've just been looking at the engine, and seen this which I believe to be a breather pipe. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I can't seem to see where this goes too. Apart from behind the bulk head. Has this been bodged and will it cause lack of power if not air tight?




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  Clio 172 cup
Have a look at your first photo, that pipe which joins the elbow between the throttle body and the airbox should look familiar :wink:
  330i. E30 Touring.
Black breather pipe goes from inlet elbow to cam cover.

Blue one is a vac pipe from the inlet to the brake servo.
  330i. E30 Touring.
Yeah, that's not OEM, someone's replaced it at some point. They sometimes melt, so no big deal.
