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Engine Noise - PAS, Aux Belt?


ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172 Cup

I have a ph2 Clio 172 Cup. I am getting a bearing noise and a chirp out of the aux belt when I turn the car on. When the car is warm and I’m going around a roundabout, it feels as if the PAS let’s go a little bit.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the PAS pump is on its way out. While I have the belt off, is there anything else you’d recommend changing while I’m there?

EG, aux belt tensioner, crankshaft pulley, water pump?


Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
It depends how far you want to go. I assume you’re changing the PAS pump? When are the timing belts due?

PAS is a strange one as they generally go gradually over time. Worth changing with a decent refurbished one. There’s a company on eBay that does an exchange.

I’d do the following:

Replace: The PAS pump and the auxiliary belt, idler, tension. Just get the kit.

Inspect the alternator pulley for wear as well.

Have a close look at the crankshaft pulley - rubber cracked and split, uneven wear on the pulley face which might affect belt performance, give it a wiggle to see if there’s movement. Personally if it looks ok, I’d leave it until the timing belts need changing, then do water pump at the same time.
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ClioSport Club Member
  2003 Clio 172 Cup
Mr Underhill, thanks for getting back. I think I’ll do the kit and the PAS pump at the time. I’ll check the other pulleys as you’ve suggested.

Thanks again
