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Engine noise


ClioSport Club Member
  ML, 500e, Defender
I have a noise from the front end, the cambelt, auxiliary belt and dephaser were done 2 years ago.

Is this a sign of alternator, idler, just normal ?

I’ll have a proper nose about when I can on Wednesday. No noises at all when you put a few revs on etc. just wanting to check incase this is a telltale of imminent tensioner or idler death etc.



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Internet diagnosis are never the best. But it sounds a bit like mine did when the water pump was on its way out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio II RS 172
Does it do it when it is warm? Also does the sound change when you turn the steering wheel etc? Do you know if it was a genuine belt kit that was used last time (and if they also changed the water pump etc.)


ClioSport Club Member
  ML, 500e, Defender
It is more noticeable when warm.

As far as I’m aware it was a genuine kit used, I have no way of confirming this though.

Not sure if the sound changes when turning the wheel, I’ll have a play tomorrow.

The power steering pump is a little Whiney when cold but after 30 seconds that goes away. I was going to do a PS fluid change soon mainly as I don’t have a record of it being changed.

New car to me, new noises so a bit of paranoia haha

