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EOE Meet - Bury St Edmunds.


ClioSport Club Member
No Laguna splitter for fake lows though ;)

Oh I forgot to show you my new mod that you would be proud of. (I actually stole the idea from you ;) I will update my thread with pics.
Don't need to bring a car when you're as awesome as I am.

Was a good meet, I'll bring a car next time.

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Thanks for the pics Dan, cu all again soon, need to work out the sat nav keeps telling me to turn around.

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I did enjoy my Nando's

We're such fatties that me, Emily and Alex stopped off at MacDonalds for apple pies, Mcflurry and large coke on way home! :astonished:
I hope you didnt lower the suspension to much.


ClioSport Club Member
I hope you didnt lower the suspension to much.

I did relower the front this morning one full turn, but future planning on eating, it'll remain as is!
I wont be getting in there again I dont think, well not once the flamers on the road anyway!

Ok ok you win!

Perhaps in Dec we find somewhere that is rather flat and speedbump-less!

Also does this mean that Alex has insprired you by putting Laguna parts on a flame red Clio?
  182, SQ7, Trafic
You boys are dropping the standard, or raising as the case may be....



Ok the second one was cheating.

Can't believe I got the wrong location last night, but Dan was there.

  182, SQ7, Trafic
We was talking about how low your old boosted one was last night Danny.

It was great for road, but too low for track. Next one I will raise the engine 20mm to get drive shafts at a better angle.

Grimmy looks nothing like me you c**k! My flamer rivals the silver one tbh!

I know, he just also looks constantly tired! You know I love you really!
Basically just space everything up. You'd have issues with driveshaft chassis leg clearance then. My engine sits higher than it would.

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
We can use Suzannes works car park at the rear of the nationwide next door, we can close the barrier if we need to also i had a nice rump steak at the spoons saturday night, best to get in about 5pm if we want a big table or we can book xmas lunch and they dress one for us all.
