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Essex Meet 5-7-08 *PHOTOS!*

  172 cup
Lol... i hadn't even noticed it till i put the pic up... sorry! I think you might of been crouching down to take a pic of your own... i just got a shot at classic timing!! :) (sorry!!!!!!)
  Clio 182
Yeh think i was just gettin up from takin a pic ... what a spanner, i aways seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!


ClioSport Club Member
  Evo 6/Ph1 v6/R34
I think i'll organise another meet, in the same location for early september (sat 6th maybe) sometime.

Hopefully get a few more people!
Last edited:
  172 cup
Oi! You can't even tell it's dirty in these ones, i'm just not looking forward to any close ups! (I did go pretty much straight from work and had been at work for over 24hours!) :dapprove:


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
I think i'll organise another meet, in the same location for early september (sat 6th maybe) sometime.

Hopefully get a few more people!

If possible, try to avoid that date as it's the day before Trax and like myself, some might be going up the night before.


ClioSport Club Member
  Evo 6/Ph1 v6/R34
oh ok, i'll have a think and post something up in the 'meets' section in a few weeks time!



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
Did you have a handbrake turn session on the grass ;) ?

Looks like a nice day/place for a meet!


ClioSport Club Member
  Evo 6/Ph1 v6/R34
Did you have a handbrake turn session on the grass ;) ?

Looks like a nice day/place for a meet!

no, no handbrake turns, we were getting enough attention without d*cking about.

The weather turned out great yeah.
  Titanium 182
i think also the stretch of grass we was on was a bit bumpy to be doing anything like handbrake turns . anyone who was there will know what i mean by bumpy ;)
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
i think also the stretch of grass we was on was a bit bumpy to be doing anything like handbrake turns . anyone who was there will know what i mean by bumpy ;)

Bumps were only a problem if you had lowered the car, caution was very much needed :dapprove: My monster truck 182 handled them fine;) Your white 197 looked lovely though

Was good to meet some more faces. Weather added nicely to a great location. Some nice pics, looking forward to the pics to come.
  Titanium 182
thanks mate. its the 1st time i have seen a LY in the metal and it was very nice . being a cup model the stiffened suspension n all that didnt help me haha. it was a good meet tho. i think RB clio was very low on those bumps lol


all the cars there were nice . first time id seen a LY in the metal and it was v nice . i got rejected from alot of photos as i was a mk3 n not a mk2 :(

Real sorry mate!! If you find a good location I'll do you your own private shoot.
