i dunno but them badges arnt red, there brown. youve got it wrong about euro well wrongs the wrong word, euro isnt all about smoothing your car, its about being different than the entire crowd of cars that get modified the smoothed look is the most common euro look theres other branches of euro.
for example;
mk1 rabbit GTi in grey, remove the bumpers, chequered roof, slam, BBS RS001's, side exit exhaust n maybe change the headlights from twin's to singles.
now thats euro aswell but i didnt mention smoothin once, its all about your interpritation of euro, its about being different so your car being smooth like the rest isnt that different. its all down to how far n how much money you have. theres a big argument at the mo to which is best, AIR-RIDE or COILOVERS, personaly i think theres no PRIDE in airRIDE.