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Everyone say Hello to Iain

  172 cup
Greetings all, just joined yesterday. Living down in Dublin at the moment but originall from wee sunny Newcastle in Co. Down.

After driving my mum's car for years got my first car in the shape of a 172 cup about 8 months or so ago.

Thought I should post and say hello.:rolleyes:
  172 cup
Thanks, seem to be quite a lot of people on here, didnt realise it was this popular. plenty of good information on here too.
  172 cup
Well I've never gotten particularily hot or bothered about bumpers myself but thena maybe I'm missing out. :)

I see you have fluffy shoulder pads and pink nodding dogs?? :D
Probably not really my hing either but then I suppose it takes all sorts :rasp:
  172 cup
Iain is not a fan of persons talking in the 3rd person and was in fact attempting (eidently in vain) to imitate a teacher introducing the new pupil.
  172 cup
You're all too kind!! Roll on 5.15 this has been the longest day in work in my life. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:S
