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Exchange Gods?

I dont have a god to exchange i'm afraid, i'm pretty much an atheist despite my COE sunday school up bringing.


Don't know about good with it, I've run 5.5 for a long time, and have been running 2003 now for a few months.

Ask away and I'll see if either of us here can help. You have to remember that we use the "fly by the seat of your pants" method of server Admin.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
LOL as quickly as it threw a wobbly it seems to have calmed down again... just kept saying "Your Exchange server is unavailable" but when I logged onto the server all the services are running.

Seems to be behaving once again.

:) Cheers chaps. I'm going to read event logs. lol. yawn.


Have a look on the MS Exchange website, they have loads of useful monitoring stuff for Exchange 2003 seeing as it's not so easy to see what's going on behind the scenes.
How many exchange servers in your organisation? Used to get that a bit when I was in the middle of our migration and replication was happening.
