LOL - I'll sure be giving this a go!
Tbh, I've never used the speed limiter in the three years I've had the car. Sometimes the cruise control - like on the trip down to RenTech and never the climate control. Car toys do nothing for me...
Going off the responses here, I'm struggling to understand the 'benefit' of a speed limiter if cruise control is also fitted? Surely, in Mark's example of the truck bearing down on you at 56mph - I'd want the override to kick in
immediately - regardless of whether I pressed the accelerator 1/4, 1/2 or all the way down? CC does this anyway - so why should SL require a foot-through-the-bulkhead push to disable it? I agree, it sounds a little dangerous and a little unnerving if I was ever in a similar situation. Hence it will remain unused after my test.
Dan R - saw your other post too, but grow up, yeah?