its good, best designed kit for the RT easily, all the others for the RT just bolt onto the TB and as you can imagine would suck in lots of hot air
if you already had a K&N on then all you have to do is remove that, put the hill power box onto the TB, put the three bolts in, M5 i think is the size if you need to buy some smaller ones, there about 10p from B&Q, then rest the filter on and push the spring clips from underneath
i think it comes to £100, and i know that seems a lot, but if your not willin to spend that much then buy a replacement element, cos spending ANY amount of money on the other induction kits is a waste as they will ALL lose you power, best to ring Nick on the price as i cant remember
the best thing to do is to rig up a cold air feed from your fogs, unless you use em, if so Nick now does an under bumper scoop which is perfect for a good cold air feed for it